Sunil Erevelles

Sunil Erevelles

Associate Professor of Marketing
Friday 229


Sunil Erevelles, Ph.D. is on the faculty of marketing at the Belk College of Business at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte. He served as Chair of the Department of Marketing from 2010-2018. Prior to that, he was on the faculty of Marketing and the Marketing Area Coordinator (marketing area head) at the Anderson School of Management, University of California, Riverside. He received his Ph.D. in business from The Ohio State University. His areas of specialty are blockchain, innovation and transformative technology. His research has been published in various journals including the Journal of Consumer Research, the Journal of Business Research, the Journal of Advertising, the Journal of Personal Selling and Sales Management, Industrial Marketing Management, the Journal of Consumer Satisfaction, Dissatisfaction and Complaining Behavior, the Journal of Marketing Management, the Journal of Business Ethics, the Journal of International Consumer Marketing, Marketing Management Journal, the Journal of Database Marketing, and the Journal of Information Technology and Management.

He has consulted for, or delivered seminars to CEOs and senior managers, as well as to senior government officials in almost every part of the world, including North America, Latin America, Europe, Australia, Asia and Africa. In the United States, he has delivered seminars or annual company retreats to executives at leading organizations with varied business interests, such as Boeing, Allstate, CIGNA, Compass, Hyundai, Illumina, Bank of America, Wells Fargo, Prudential, Atrium Healthcare, MetLife, St. Jude’s Medical, the World Presidents Organization (WPO), the Young Presidents Organization (YPO), the NCACPA, Lowes, TIAA-CREF, Hino Motor Company, etc.

He has won eleven teaching awards at The Ohio State University, the University of California, Riverside and the University of North Carolina at Charlotte. He has received the Pew Teaching Leadership Award, the Gray’s Teaching Award, the American Marketing Associations’ Teacher of the Year Award, and was a finalist for the Bank of America Teaching Excellence Award. For his research, he was awarded the James Comer Research Award, the Steven J. Shaw Distinguished Research Award, an Outstanding Research Award from the Society of Marketing Advances, an Ohio State University Alumni Research Award, and a “Best Doctoral Dissertation Award.” His research on “affect in marketing” won him an “award of excellence” from Anbar, U.K., and he was inducted into the Anbar “Hall of Excellence.”. His work on warranties was awarded the “Best Paper in Buyer Behavior” award by the Southern Marketing Association. The Ohio State University Alumni Association, the largest alumni association in the world, voted for him to receive the “The William Oxley Thompson Award” for exceptional early-career achievement. His paper titled, “Big Data Consumer Analytics and the Transformation of Marketing” was ranked the eighth most cited (influential) paper in the field of marketing in the trailing four-year window ending March 2020. His co-authored paper on “Blockchain and Customer Co-Creation” won a best paper award in December 2020. He was editor of a special issue of the Journal of Business Research and the Journal of Personal Selling and Sales Management. He was elected an Honorary Associate member of the Scientific Research Society and inducted into the “Alpha Mu Alpha” Marketing Honorary.

Highest Degree:


Highest Degree Institution:

The Ohio State University


Belk College of Business